Tierversuche: Inspiration
Einen tiefen Graben
Hat der Mensch gezogen
Tiere sind nur Mittel
Ziele zu erreichen
Sie denken, sprechen nicht wie wir
Doch Hunger, Durst und Appetit
Gefühl, da ist kein Unterschied
Sie freuen sich, empfinden Schmerz
Mit Versuchen sie zu quälen
Müssen wir uns selbst betäuben
Um so etwas eiskalt ertragen zu können
Bedarf es schon seelischer Anästhesie
Doch ungerührt die Wissenschaft
Glaubt fest an Objektivität
Die Selbstnarkose aufzugeben
Würd‘ eine Dimension eröffnen
Hans Bischlager
(Hans Bischlager, Entschieden wird im Untergrund. Politische Gedichte, Hamburg 2017, S. 23)
„We have also parks and enclosures of all sorts of beasts and birds which we use not only for view or rareness, but likewise for dissections and trials; that thereby we may take light what may be wrought upon the body of man. Wherein we find many strange effects; as continuing life in them, though divers parts, which you account vital, be perished and taken forth; resuscitating of some that seem dead in appearance; and the like. We try also all poisons and other medicines upon them, as well of chirurgery, as physic. By art likewise, we make them greater or taller than their kind is; and contrariwise dwarf them, and stay their growth: we make them more fruitful and bearing than their kind is; and contrariwise barren and not generative. Also we make them differ in colour, shape, activity, many ways. We find means to make commixtures and copulations of different kinds; which have produced many new kinds, and them not barren, as the general opinion is. We make a number of kinds of serpents, worms, flies, fishes, of putrefaction; whereof some are advanced (in effect) to be perfect creatures, like bests or birds; and have sexes, and do propagate. Neither do we this by chance, but we know beforehand, of what matter and commixture what kind of those creatures will arise.
„We have also particular pools, where we make trials upon fishes, as we have said before of beasts and birds.
„We have also places for breed and generation of those kinds of worms and flies which are of special use; such as are with you your silk-worms and bees.
Aus: Francis Bacon, The New Atlantis (1624)
Zwischen Maschinen und Tieren ist kein Unterschied, auch wenn es Maschinen gäbe, welche die Organe und äußere Gestalt eines Affen besäßen, (…) so sind diese Maschinen in nichts von den Automaten zu unterscheiden, (…) denn allein der Mensch verfügt über Vernunft und Sprache, die nicht an die Disposition der Organe gebunden sind.
René Descartes, Abhandlungen über die Methode, Reclam Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, S. 105 (5. Kapitel)
Der Tierversuch ist das schwärzeste aller schwarzen Verbrechen.
Mahatma Gandhi